0 50 hotkeys windows

Kamis, 19 Desember 2013

Windows Key + D
Show Desktop
Windows Key + C
Open Charms Menu
Windows Key + F
Charms Menu – Search
Windows Key + H
Charms Menu – Share
Windows Key + K
Charms Menu – Devices
Windows Key + I
Charms Menu – Settings
Windows Key + Q
Search For Installed Apps
Windows Key + W
Search Settings
Windows Key + Tab
Cycle through open Modern UI Apps
Windows Key + Shift + Tab
Cycle through open Modern UI Apps in reverse order
Windows Key + .
Snaps app to the right (split screen multitasking)
Windows Key + Shift + .
Snaps app to the left (split screen multitasking)
Windows Key + ,
Temporarily view desktop
Alt + F4
Quit Modern UI Apps
Windows Key + E
Launch Windows Explorer Window
Windows Key + L
Lock PC and go to lock screen
Windows Key + T
Cycle through icons on taskbar (press Enter to launch app)
Windows Key + X
Show Advanced Windows Settings Menu
Windows Key + E
Launch Windows Explorer Window
Windows Key + Page Down
Moves Start screen and apps to secondary monitor on the right
Windows Key + M
Minimize all Windows
Windows Key + Shift + M
Restore all minimized Windows
Windows Key + R
Open Run dialog box
Windows Key + Up Arrow
Maximize current window
Windows Key + Down Arrow
Minimize current window
Windows Key + Left Arrow
Maximize current window to left side of the screen
Windows Key + Right Arrow
Maximize current window to right side of the screen
Ctrl + Shift + Escape
Open Task Manager
Windows Key + Print Screen
Takes a Print Screen and saves it to your Pictures folder
Windows Key + Page Up
Moves Start screen and apps to secondary monitor on the left
Windows Key + Pause Break
Display System Properties
Shift + Delete
Permanently delete files without sending it to Recycle Bin
Windows Key + F1
Open Windows Help and Support
Windows Key + V
Cycle through notifications
Windows Key + Shift + V
Cycle through notifications in reverse order
Windows Key + 0 to 9
Launch/show app pinned to taskbar at indicated number
Windows Key + Shift + 0 to 9
Launch new instance of app pinned to taskbar at indicated number
Alt + Enter
Display Properties of selected item in File Explorer
Alt + Up Arrow
View upper level folder of current folder in File Explorer
Alt + Right Arrow
View next folder in File Explorer
Alt + Left Arrow
View previous folder in File Explorer
Windows Key + P
Choose secondary display modes
Windows Key + U
Open Ease of Access Center
Alt + Print Screen
Print Screen focused Window only
Windows Key + Spacebar
Switch input language and keyboard layout
Windows Key + Shift + Spacebar
Switch to previous input language and keyboard layout
Windows Key + Enter
Open Narrator
Windows Key + +
Zoom in using Magnifier
Windows Key + -
Zoom out using Magnifier
Windows Key + Escape
Exit Magnifier

1 Dumadine Desa tambakrejo purworejo

Dumadine Desa Tambakrejo                     

Nalika jaman semanten kirang langkung taun sewu wolungatus loro, wonten priyagung ingkang asma loka jaya .Loka jaya menika salah satunggalipun pendherekipun pangeran diponegara, nalika semanten pangeran diponegara badhe dhateng magelang lewat desa ingkang nalika semanten wonten blumbang ingkang kangge warnani rasukan,ingkang dipunwastani mbabrik ingkang wonten dusun tambak boyo.
Loka jaya mboten dherek  pangeran diponegoro wonten magelang namung mapan wonten mbabrik.mila kasebat mbah mbabrik. ingkang samenika petilasan loka jaya kasebut mbah mbabrik ingkang dumugi samenika wanci wulan suro pasaran kliwon,di pengeti kanthi damel walimahan utawa kendhuri nyembeleh menda saha kewan ternak lan sapanunggalanipun.
Kanthi pangajab sedaya warga lan kasil tani saged mulya,murakati dumateng warga sedaya nalika wekdal semanten kinten kinten kalih dinten loka jaya mireng mbok bilih pangeran diponegoro dipun cekel walanda .
    Amargi kegelan loka jaya lajeng kepingin badhe nganyut tuwuh.salajengipun tindak dhateng sala tiang utawi loano.
Sabanjure wonten sala tiang nyemplung lepen bogowonto.
Loka jaya kendhang dumugi ci liwung  lepen sak kidulipun patilasan mbabrik ngantos temangsang wonten wit witan lajeng kawastanan patilasan ciliwung.
    Saksanesipun patilasan mbabrik saha patilasan ciliwung wonten makam ingkag kawastanan makam kujopati ingkang mapan wonten pinggir lepen bogowonto sakleripun patilasan mbah mbabrik .
     Kujopati menika pangeran saking ngayogjakarta wayahipun aryo bangah utawa bethara loano.amargi sedanipunn wonten kasebat ing inggil mila dipun wastani makam kujopati.
Wontenipun pangeran loka jaya ingkang manggen wonten ing mbabrik  tambak boyo sawetawis wekdal salajengipun tambak boyo dipun gantos nami tambakrejo amargi saking wontenipun kathah budaya mila dados regeng utawi rejo.
Ewondene ingkang dados panguasa ingkang wiwitan ingih menika demang mbah wongso dranoyo wonten ing jaman walandi. Ewondene ingkang dados panguasa ingkang kapindho inggih menika demang mbah wongso tinaya ing jaman walandi.
Kalajengaken wongso pawira  ing rikala jaman walandi kalihan jepang.sabanjure dipun terusaken kalihan wirye tinaya ing jaman penjajahan jepang.
    Kinten kinten taun 1970 raden nganten idun nglajengaken pamarintahan tambakrejo ngantos tau 1990.
Slamet riyadi dados lurah wonten ing taun 1995,aeng wiratno
Taun 1999.
    Bambang pulunggono nlajengaken pamarintahan wonten ing taun 2000 amargi seda ing taun 2011 bambang pulunggono digantosken marang lurah eko ngantos dumugi samenika